Monday, June 29, 2009


Why is the entire ad campaign for Coors Light centred around the fact that it is cold? When in fact, making the beer cold is my job. And really, does the temperature affect the taste? It's so inane.

I saw a dead rat in the middle of the highway. How? Why?

One of my favourite things about commuting is seeing those big farm trailers on the highway filled with pigs or sheep or cows. It makes me laugh when I see a pig's snout pushing out those little holes. Then it makes me want a ham sandwich.

Gift certificates. I love them (Hello? Free money!) but I don't seem to know how to use them. Instead, I stockpile them in a little Baggie O' Freebies until they either expire or until I find something really worthwhile to spend them on. My rationale is that perhaps there will be a time when I will be more broke than I am right now. This is neither healthy nor true and yet I still have a hard time letting them go.

1 comment:

  1. I am concerned by youtr love of seeing poor pigs on thier way to their slaughter.

    Yes, the temperature does impact the taste!
