Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lisa Raitt

Ok, am I the only one who doesn't think this whole "sexy isotope" Lisa Raitt scandal is that big a deal? Granted, I've only read one small article, but I still don't see why it's been blown up so big.

I am not saying that politicians (or real people, for that matter) should be flippant about cancer, however, I kind of agree with her comment. Hot button issues are sexy. They get press, people care about them, as George Constanza puts it: they've got cache, baby! So, if she wants to admit that the issue is sexy and that she's looking forward to getting credit for fixing the problem, what's wrong with that? It is and she will.

I would never misinterpret her comment as a lack of compassion for cancer patients. She's not a stranger to losing loved ones to cancer and while this doesn't make her immune from criticism, I think we're persecuting her a little too much.

If everything I said was subject to inspection by the masses, particularly things I say in private, know, bad things would happen.

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