Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hump Day Round-up

Weird week so far.

Put on one of my many fall coats - by far the favourites in my coat collection - and felt some money in the pocket. I usually like to surprise myself by putting $20 in coat pockets at the end of each season to get when I wear them again. It's like a mini lottery! Hurrah!

However, Spring Winnie Cooper played a cruel joke on Fall Winnie Cooper for instead of a $20 bill, it was a bank receipt from a time when I had a lot more money. Or some money. Such a slap in the face. To get back at Spring Winnie Cooper, I think I'll put a lump of coal or a library due date receipt in the pocket.

My doctor has recommended that I get 4 consecutive weekly B12 shots. Everyone I tell this to has many questions and wonders why he would suggest this. To be honest, I'm the naive patient here, but I really trust my doctor. He's got a South African accent - it's very assuring. Also, as much as I hate needles, this seems a lot more convenient and cheaper than eating properly.

I got my first shot and was told that these shots would give me increased energy. I consider myself a fairly energetic person, not often plagued by fatigue (except for Monday night when I slept 12 hours - hmmm). But just imagine me after these 4 shots! I'm going to be a superhuman - pumped up full of insatiable energy! What will I do with it all? I think I'll rearrange my photo albums. Or start walking the escarpment stairs. Or both!

The funny part about these shots is that my friend's cat is currently pretty ill and the vet is trying all sorts of remedies to bring Kobi back to full health. One thing the vet has recommended - is 4 consecutive weekly B12 shots! Ummm....

I just stepped out of my office to go to the bank and was accosted by two smartly dressed men shilling for some financial company. They just saw me leave my current place of employment but still had the gall to try and recruit me for whatever it is they do. It felt bad but really easy to fake number this guy. On the street. In the middle of the day. My standard fake works anywhere, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. I just read a bunch of your blog - i forgot you were going to Paris! bring pictures I want to see them. Kevin PS pls text me a couple days before trivia starts i forget the date work was a bit better last week so I'm cautiously optimistic the worst is over.
