Ottawa Road Trip

Heroic brother received a Medal of Bravery from the Governor General so I went up to celebrate with the family. And to represent the less heroic faction of my parents' children. I used to live in Ottawa back in 2007 and hadn't really been back since. It's a great little city and I think it is a great retirement destination. However, when you're in your twenties and it's Saturday night, the options are few. I went back and checked out my old apartment - and yep, the crack filled alley nearby still exists. Ottawa is much like Hamilton in that one street is great and the next is sketch-town. It was a regular occurrence to be awoken at 4am by hookers and addicts below my window. I remember a mixture of fascination at being privy to their dealings and fear that they would look up and see me.
I went for the requisite beavertail, clowned around in front of the Parliament buildings with my mom until the police car slowed in front of us, and checked out the first blooms of the tulip festival.

It was a really nice weekend but clearly the 4 hour solo drive got to me and I had my camera - bad combo.
This is me when I saw a police radar and I'm doing 125km.

This is me when I saw a sad hitchhiker.

AGH Gala
The social event of the spring season - allegedly. It was actually pretty fun and it's always great to get dressed up and get my "hair did". From this angle, my updo gave me a glimpse into what I would look like with boy hair.

I showed it to a friend and his response was, "Whoa!" and jerked backwards. Not a ringing endorsement.
Speaking of not-so-great comments about pictures of the gala someone said I look like Michelle Obama in this one.

Not sure where that came from and while it's not a diss or anything, isn't she a mother of two and at least 15 years older than me? Although, I will admit that with heels and shorter friends, I do kind of look like their chaperone. Harumph.

Dan's 30th Birthday Bash - 80s theme
I keep making the mistake and telling people it was my friend Dan's 80th birthday party. This was a wicked bash and as a member of the party planning committee that met weekly for 3 months, it was all worth it. I had the opportunity to wear my crazy 80s formal prom dress again so I'm totally getting every penny of my $12.99.

Great costumes, great food, great music, great decor (yes, those were cassette tapes hanging from the ceiling) and the dancing. Oh, the dancing. Dan had rented party lights and cleared out the living room for a throwback dance party. He got things started by using a SkipIt. Remember those?
Dan getting started:

Dan Skipping It:

Dan on the floor:

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