Sunday, August 26, 2012

Oh, brother.

Do you have 10 minutes?

Do you want to make this face several times in the next 10 minutes?

Then read this article in the latest issue of Vanity Fair - "Little Lord Flaunteroys".

Vanity Fair - Little Lord Flaunteroys

It's about the two sons, 16 and 18 years old, of supermodel Stephanie Seymour and billionaire mogul and art collector Peter Brant.  This story of their lives is ridiculous.  But a completely guilty pleasure read.  These dandy boys (VF's word, not mine) are the most annoying of socialite entitled do-nothings who provide the most ludicrous musings.  I think I gave myself whiplash by shaking my head so much.

Sample quote:

“It’s not like we’re Suri Cruise,” Peter said.
“Have you met her?” I asked.
“I haven’t,” said Peter. “I want to, though. She’s one of my idols.”
“She has amazing style,” I said.
Peter said, “She does.
“And it’s all coming from her,” Harry remarked.
“Clearly she’s just an awesome person,” said Peter.
“She’s always got some ’do. I love her hair,” said Harry.
“And she always has some, like, sassy frog slippers,” Peter said.
“And, like, jammies in the restaurant,” Harry said.
“Didn’t she have some ladybug boots?” Peter asked. “I was like, I need those.”
Harry said, “I have them in gray.”

I mean sure, hilarious, if spouted by someone with some sense of self-awareness or someone who was trying to be funny, but I'm not sure they were.

The article is a laughable glimpse into a world I'll never fully understand.  Take the 10 minutes, it's worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Those Dandy's sure are an embarrassment to their parents. But wait, the article does mention that their Father, who has a prison record, is still married to Stephanie Seymour. I thought she divorced that old blow hard years ago? I guess we can watch that horror movie again when she does leave him... She is my fave of all time... Gorgeous but clearly made terrible life choices.. Axl, Charlie Sheen then this old ugly criminal Brant..
