1) Bridal shower for 200 women
Yes, it was as awful as it sounds. I have been to only one of these and I was in the bridal party, so it was more fun. But I can't imagine being a guest at one of these would be that great. It's like a wedding without men or alcohol, essentially. And no dancing. Those are the best things about weddings - dancing with men, while drinking alcohol. And it's during the daytime. :(
The one difference is the cookies. Ohhh, the cookies. Dozens of little nonnas and zias (these are the Italian words for grandmother and aunt, right?) begin to trail in carrying trays and boxes of all sorts of pastries. It was then my job to organize them and get them ready for the mad rush of hungry women. They throw elbows.

(And, yes, that is a hula dancer dressed in a bridal gown you see. Just another day.)
Needless to say, I add "Sampling" to my job description that day. But, other than those lemon glazed ones and cannoli, the rest are sort of blah. And all taste the same. Like the same piece of cardboard. Give me some AngloSaxon or Waspy treats any day - Nanaimo bars, buttertarts, Belgian cookies...
2) Bar Mitzvahs - several
Boys became men, I became bored. Or at least exhausted by the end of the weekend. Giving a 13 year old kid everything he wants is hard work. Ok, that came out wrong. Way wrong. Regardless, there were photo booths, cakes bigger than my dehumidifier, kids being lowered from rock climbing gym ceilings, candy bars, DJ services that cost more than my last 2 cars - combined, kids stealing booze and nary a piece of bacon to be found. Although we made up for it with food trucks - THE thing in Hamilton these days. However, if anyone is looking for a cupcake truck - ask me which one NOT to use! I've got a personal vendetta that I'm trying to keep alive.
Eventually, the bar mitzvahs seemed to blend together and I always found myself sitting and waiting for the 3 hour service to finish. Being the Sabbath, we weren't allowed to do any work in the synagogue - this was a nice change from the last minute scramble of typical events.

3) 600 guest Italian wedding
This is my second one of the summer - brothers, no less - and it's exactly what you might think it is. For me, it was a long day and I had to deal with a groomsman getting locked inside the church (INSIDE!), stabbing the father of the bride with the boutonniere and many children flying all over the place. The one good thing was that I did NOT tell the bride to think about dog fighting this time. I'm learning to shut up.
I actually got to eat a meal at this one, which was a nice treat. I usually get to eat like this - sitting in the hallway for 20 seconds at a time between running to tend to things.

But, really, is this just not a little bit ridiculous? Yes, I get that it's a jumbo shrimp, but wowsa!

Looking forward to some slower downtime - and more posting!
Oh my! That jumbo shrimp is a wowsa for sure!