I think it's a good thing I'm in event planning because I love throwing a party more than almost anything. Although it's way more fun to host for my friends than for clients. Fewer budget meetings, tantrums over the ice sculpture and zero requirement to be kosher. This rainy Good Friday was party prep time:

Chris won the prize for costume with the Most Articles of Clothing That Require Batteries. His light up shirt was activated by music or sound - it was super cool. I now have a reason to go to the Winona Peach Festival this year - gotta get one for myself.

We pretended to care about which cheese went well with which wine (wow, that's a lot of w's in a row) but ended up just going to town on both. Some people were a little creative with their cheese pairings.

Staying true to the retro theme, I made a couple recipes from this cookbook - asparagus rolled up in white bread with cream cheese and bacon - very 70s...and delicious.

Can't go wrong with a cookbook with this motto:

Detachable teal taffeta ass bow - I'm so glad fashion is cyclical. Can't wait for that to come back around.

Happy Birthday Susan!
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