Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Holidays

Aren’t the holidays wonderful? I mean, really, really lovely. I felt this way a couple times this week. The first time was around 2pm on Friday afternoon as I left a client’s holiday party. It’s so great to be able to drink wine and eat chocolates and huge pieces of beef in the middle of the work day. Seems so decadent and far away from work. Plus, everyone is always so cheerful and filled with festive camaraderie that you end up hugging and kissing people you don’t even like. Come January, I’ll still grimace as you approach, but right now, inspired by the boss’ homemade wine, you are a dear friend. Everyone seems to act differently.

I chased that feeling into the evening by stopping at The Alex to provide a ‘customer review’ on the new pinot grigio and to eat a veal sandwich while enjoying the pre-dinner rush ambiance. It’s so nice to have the whole evening stretching ahead with no formal plans, just flitting from friend to friend. Seems even nicer at the holidays.

Next, I headed to Susan and Chris’ house for dinner, cute baby bonding and some hickey story sharing. I had a lovely time even though Chris decided to show off his IPhone skills by pasting my head onto some weird picture. On the way home, I decided to finally fill the void in my Mariah Carey collection – it’s everything I hoped it would be.

Just a few days left until 17 blissful days of nothing. Or everything. But either way, shortbread will be involved.


  1. Holidays are over.

    New content! Just babble. Get angry about something.

  2. Please post this "weird picture". Please.
