It's so wonderful when you're lucky enough to genuinely like your friend's friends. The major life moments always bring you together and it's a pleasure when you actually enjoy their company. Well, except for that Emma chick, who I believe introduced me to her mother as "Dunno, some crazy girl who won't leave."
There was lots of great food and I managed to find more wine than I expected, so that was wonderful. Also wonderful was the end of the day when the die-hards sat around reading about the upcoming royal wedding and eating deli meat on the couch.
I didn't subject everyone to any awful shower games but instead we got to prove how removed we are from reality by naming celebrity babies. If you want to play, here you go - how celebrity culture obsessed are you?

Ok, which of my friends is up for 2011? I have a guess...
Do you have an answer key for this? Brilliant Game!