Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Eye-opening Experience
- Segways
- Bought homemade soap while drinking homemade cider while wearing a homemade scarf – all of which likely were made partly from hemp
- Slept off baby shower drunkenness then awoke at 1:15am to go out and start my night
The entire dinner I kept waiting for my eyes to adjust. They never did. It truly was pitch darkness and it was quite an experience. Eventually it felt like my eyes were in pain as they were struggling to find light with no reprieve. I tried closing my eyes for a while, but that was strange too.
- Paul and Ryan kept trying to high-five each other and hitting Elo in the face
- “I just got a fork full of nothing”
- “Julie, are you still here?”
- “Aw man, I just put my butter ball in my wine.”
- Paul ‘accidentally’ got to first base with me
- I’m pretty sure I ate my napkin at one point
- We all ended up attacking our food with our hands as utensils proved too difficult
- I was talking about our waiter when all of a sudden he had sidled up and busted me.
- We were served something that most definitely was not calamari. My best guesses are erasers or mushrooms.

The reviews are in
This time it was for the review of The Alex – the restaurant in Burlington that you should have tried by now. The review was glowing and that’s all great, but for me, it was sullied by the embarrassing writing style of the reviewer.
John Kernaghan does the reviews and I wish the article had supplied a picture of him (yes, I’m just too lazy to go find it online) because I find that when I hate someone’s writing, I need to know what they look like. The same thing is true when I’m driving behind someone really slow or oblivious. That’s why there are plenty of pictures of my mug on this site, so if you hate it, you can match the annoyance with my pretty face.
Here are some of the literary gem nuggets (n.b. ‘literary gem nuggets’ being one on its own):
“Chef Matthew Kershaw has fashioned a menu with interesting twists and turns producing excellent results.” This reads like a M. Night Shyamalan movie review. A bad one. It’s such a cheesy sentence.
“They jumped with flavour and sat on coarse mango slaw enlivened with a lime-mint-honey dressing.” I hate when people describe cooked food with verbs. If my shrimp is still jumping around, there are larger fish to fry.
“The meat was tender in two-bite pieces with a lush potato pillow … with a delightful chorus of tomato, fennel and bacon.” This sentence bugs me the most. Was it really necessary to indicate how big the pieces of pork were? Will he next tell me, in his opinion, how many chews it will take to finish the pieces? I can’t think of a more ridiculous phrase than “lush potato pillow”. It’s gnocchi, John, stop making it so sensual. Chorus?!? Come on!! Argh.
“A third item left fast-food bacon features in its lively dust.” Well, I should hope so. Are you comparing The Alex’s Trio of Bacon to Wendy’s Baconator? Are you!?!?
It’s just all so phony. Listen, people, the gist of this post is:
Go to The Alex. It’s awesome. But, if you ask for the lush potato pillows or to have your bacon livened up, I should hope that you’ll be asked to leave.
Oh, and yes, for those who are sitting there thinking, “Wow, she’s such a bitch. I doubt she could write something better” well, you’re both right and wrong. I am and I can.
I will.
- Began by spitting out his gum at the table
- Enlightened me about the causes and detrimental effects of gout…for over 10 minutes
- Accused me of not knowing who The Rolling Stones were. They’re like, what, some British band, or something?
Perhaps he was redeemed by complimenting my shoes and being a gentleman by shielding me from the rain on the way to my car. It’s very simple, guys. Also, there was that very amusing bit where I huffily referred to a Britney Spears song as a ‘viable entertainment source’. Yeah, that was my low. Turned out to be hilarious.
Dating is a mystery.
Have you heard that Anne Hathaway and James Franco will be hosting the Oscars this year? Dru, I’m mainly talking to you. Katy and I have agreed that this is a poor choice as neither one of them is particularly enjoyable as their ‘real’ selves. Anne is pretty grating.
I’m holding out for the year when Tina Fey and/or Steve Carrell host. Or Joan Cusack and/or Hugh Grant – my favourite comedic actors. Yes, Hugh Grant is funny! Shut it.
I am not a squeamish girl. Well, not really. I can take care of business and….I’m sitting here trying to think of something disgusting that I am able to do without gagging. Hmm. Well, whatever, I’m not that bad.
However, there is something about seeing a mouse in a trap that makes me shriek every single time. This one had his eyes still open. Wraulagh. That is how I think the shudder/ugh noise I just made is spelled.
Something strange is happening. Over the last 2 months I have heard Lou Bega’s Mambo No. 5 on the radio quite a bit. At least 6 or 7 times. For a one hit wonder that everyone but me hated, that is a lot. Is it now campy and making a comeback?

In case you ever wonder what a vanilla pudding cup looks like after the seal is broken. And if you are ever stupid enough to not notice and buy it anyway.
This is one of my favourite sights – a package left at my door! Hurrah! Also good is the September issue of any fashion magazine in the mailbox or that one time last month when someone mysteriously left me a crab cake on the doorstep.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
It's here...
I'm going to get my own Christmas tree this weekend - a very exciting first for me. Well, on my own, I mean. I have a possibly crappy tree stand that I bought at a garage sale and a couple ornaments I picked up too. I expect to have a very sparse set-up this year because I like a tree to be trimmed with unique and sentimental ornaments, rather than buying a matchy matchy set. Maybe I'll festoon it with popcorn and cranberries. Anyone want to come over and string them for me? Sounds tedious.
Even though I seem to be the last person on earth still buying CDs, I would like to pick this one up. Somehow it got overlooked in my Mariah Carey collection, but it's full of gems. She looks like a minx.
This year I'm going to do things differently. I may have said this before. I plan on sending out my Christmas cards by December 3. Instead of spending 4 days baking a variety of cookies, many of which don't turn out, I am going to simplify and focus. 3 or 4 recipes that are proven great like thumbprints, shortbread and nanaimo bars. No more stupid gingerbread with broken necks and crumbly knees. I'm also going to do as much shopping online as possible. Books, you're all getting books! I'm going to try and eat more ham.
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Baby Event 2010
There was lots of great food and I managed to find more wine than I expected, so that was wonderful. Also wonderful was the end of the day when the die-hards sat around reading about the upcoming royal wedding and eating deli meat on the couch.
I didn't subject everyone to any awful shower games but instead we got to prove how removed we are from reality by naming celebrity babies. If you want to play, here you go - how celebrity culture obsessed are you?

Ok, which of my friends is up for 2011? I have a guess...
Commence Eye Rolling Sequence
This guy emailed today with the following in the email subject:
Did an angel fall from the skies above?
But he wasn't kidding around and being purposely cheesy. In the email he kept calling me princess. In fact, he wasn't the only one who did that today. Don't call me princess. That's weird.
Speaking of weird things guys do (well, actually more annoying) there is this one guy texting me in the strangest fashion. He'll send me one sentence texts one right after another. Is he unable to piece his thoughts together in one text? Why the bombardment? Listen guy, I don't have an unlimited text package and from what I can tell, you're not worth the extra 15 cents. Besides, I'm pretty sure I've already stated my rule about texts from guys who are 'courting' me: either be funny or flirty. Otherwise, don't bother me.
By posting this, I've pretty much decided that he's not for me - I can never show him my blog. But I think I'm okay with that. Here is an actual transcript of the texts he sent me within a one minute span:
- But we have multigrain dough
- But it has a higher fat content
- But it's supposed to be a good fat
- Should be interesting
Yeah, unlike your texting, guy. Who talks about dough that much?! Delete.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Mouse in the House

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I’ve been fortunate to rekindle some great friendships that actually have the ability to go the distance and, if I am to be honest, are probably much better for me overall. It’s like that super cheesy saying about some friends being around for a reason, a season and a lifetime.
I’ve decided that I would like to become Hamilton’s answer to the socialite. No, this does not mean that my family owns a prestigious Hamilton hotel chain – Visitor’s Inn, anyone? – or that we invented steel. Instead, I will be interpreting it by slowly, but surely becoming a presence on the Hamilton scene.
I am young (or at least the same age as Paris and the hot Kardashian sister), stylish (it’s so wonderful to be a big fish in a small pond) and upwardly mobile. Well, maybe not this month – I may be eating grilled cheese while I write this - but it's in the plan.
Recently, I’ve attended a United Way fundraising dinner at Edgewater Manor, the Hamilton Club for drinks, the AGH Sacks & The City event and tonight I am going to an event at Milli featuring Kimberly Newport-Mimran of Pink Tartan. This is a pretty good week for a Hamiltonian.
Working at my company, I am meeting lots of influential players and Hamilton notables. Since I’ve put down some roots here for a while, I think I would like to explore the possibilities here fully. Yes, I recognize that this will require the exploitation of my friends higher up the social ladder than I, but I will reciprocate with baked goods. Look out Hammer!
Ok, I really need to figure out how much pasta is an appropriate amount for a girl who has already eaten potato chips and some cottage cheese to have for dinner. Every time I end up making way too much and then I feel bad for not being able to finish it. And there is nothing sadder than reheated pasta. I’m talking Cathy comic sad. I think Tupperware makes some sort of contraption - Christmas list alert.
Dating is hard. It just is. Sure, it can be awesome, but even when you like the person, it can be hard. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could just sit down with each other and say, “I like you but….” or “I don’t like you because…..” or “I liked you until you did this….” or "I don't like you enough to travel to Toronto...." and save everyone time and energy trying to figure out what they’re thinking. Argh.
Segway Queen
I’m a big fan of trying new things and as long as it doesn’t involve much bloodshed, I’m down. Some bloodshed is acceptable, but not a lot.
The Fabulous Five (I might start calling our little faction that) gathered at the Distillery in Toronto. Side note: the traffic situation in and on the way to Toronto is out of control. Maybe I’ve forgotten how it goes since being within a 6 minute drive of my work since April, but I hate to be reminded. It’s the WORST.
Ok, lovely Julie organized a segway ghost tour of the Distillery. I’ve never been on a segway before and other than watching Gob on Arrested Development, I didn’t really know much about them. Turns out, they are the most fun 2 wheeled vehicle I’ve ever been on!
I thought they were motorized wheelies that you operate with hand brakes – nuh uh. It’s all in the balance and your feet. If you want to go, you put the weight in your toes, to slow down, put the weight in your heels. It’s a very unusual sensation when you first get on and it takes a little getting used to. But before long, we were zipping around like pros. I want to do it again!
Naturally, we put a stop to the ghost story part and asked to just zip around. We were like a gang. With helmets. Somehow (aka I lunged for it) I got the one that was bedazzled from earlier in the day when Santa Claus rode it at the mall. I was posing and smiling all lovely for this picture as Ryan's camera took forever and then at the last second, as I was about to crash into the guy, he snapped. That is why I look possessed.
Most fun I had all week and that includes that great story Tracy told about her boyfriend’s watch. That was a gem too.
Come on, guy.
The following is from an online profile from this dude that tried to chat with me. I can't stop laughing. Is he for real messaging me??
-has kids
-under employment he's listed ODSP
-his interest is: a easygoin responcible girl that can treat me right
-"im a out spoken person and easy goin i like the outdoors,sports and long walkes i like all sortes of music im thinkin of going back too school for my grade twelve need to settle down getin old lol"
-for a first date he would take a girl to a "well-maintained restaurant"
Why do these people think they can message me!?!
Oh, one more thing, his username is freeky69er.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Gym torture
I have never hurt like this before…including that week in Cuba where I burned myself to a crisp then spent 3 hours on a donkey up a cactus hill.
There is something very unsettling and all around bad about having one of your friends squeeze, pinch and prod you without at least making out first. I’m only kidding, Mom! But really, we had to go into this little room where he weighed me, determined my fat content and (the most awful part) took “before” pictures. That was not expected. Or pleasant.
I sort of thought we were just going to go through the motions and gossip about our friends – I didn’t think he would end up knowing everything about my body. Friends shouldn’t say to friends: “I see, you carry all of the weight around your waist.” But then he followed it up with: “Wow, those pants really DO make your ass look amazing” and “Most of my clients would say that you’re already skinny.” Forgiven. So, why did he have to work me so hard?? What’s wrong with a status quo figure?
Since I’ve heard him grumble about the clients who don’t put the effort in and are always complaining, I tried my best to suck it up when it hurt and I didn’t throw up. He’s set me up with a plan and it sounds to me that if I do it all properly, there will be less gym time, but better gym time. Plus, he said when he takes the “After” picture, I could wear makeup and get my hair done.
After that ordeal, I decided I deserved something wonderful so I headed to the Alex on Brant Street in Burlington – have you been to this place yet? It’s only the best new restaurant from an ex-boyfriend of mine EVER! There I had my favourite dish – black cod over lobster and orzo. I am a big fan of orzo. It’s like rice, but so much better. Like elegant starch. Had a lovely meal at the bar while I read my Vanity Fair - almost forgot all about gym. Except my legs wouldn’t stop shaking and driving home, I stalled twice because I couldn’t push the clutch in. Here goes nothing…
Thursday, November 11, 2010
15 minutes later, from the same guy, I get this email:
"I know you read my email. One chace is all I ask only one you seen to be very interasting."
I respond:
"Yes, I know you can see when I read your email. Are you suggesting that I am required to respond to you right away?
I'll be honest, I'm looking for someone who has a little more to offer from their profile and someone who doesn't send me a follow-up email that is rife with spelling errors."
Too harsh?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
In addition, I went to the gym four times last week and already twice this week - it's Wednesday! I credit the LuluLemon pants for inspiring me. They really make me look so good, it's a shame not to trot them out. What sort of Spandex are in those?!?
Tomorrow, I am meeting with my personal trainer/drinking buddy to run me through an evaluation and work-out. I'm pretty nervous for the results, considering the last time I had my fat content measured it was 33% body fat. Yes, I am what you call skinny fat. It's killing me quietly from the inside :).
Many people who meet me often think that I am/was athletic and really into sports - especially volleyball and basketball - must be the height. I am completely not. I mean, it's no surprise they think that given my naturally athletic moves - present since childhood:

(And what is up with my legs here - I'm pretty sure they're operating independent of my body. But, boy, am I excited to reach first base. _________insert obvious joke here__________)
And somehow, in ninth grade, I managed to get onto the Delta Girls' Athletic Council. The GAC was a big deal back then and I remember sitting around with all the cool girls in their shorts from soccer practice feeling very out of place. I was probably wearing corduroy from my paper route. I didn't play one single sport in high school, but once I filled in for a scorekeeper at boys' basketball, so that's pretty much the same thing.
Maybe the council needed a 'token lazy' for equality reasons.
I really better buy another pair of LuluLemon pants if I want this streak of exercise to continue. To be perfectly honest though, sometimes I only go to the gym for 20 minutes - but I figure even that is better than nothing. Certainly better than sitting on the couch watching another 30Rock rerun and eating grilled cheese.
I'm even growing my nails, taking vitamins and finally raking my lawn. It's like a whole new me. It's Mevember. Weak, I know. But, I'm getting stronger....
Friday, November 5, 2010
Costume Line-up

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Online update
"I am moving to your area and am looking for a long-term relationship" is not an acceptable opening email. This is not actually an acceptable statement to utter out loud. Ever. Unless you're a mail-order bride whose original offer fell through.
Putting me on your "Favourites" list and then saying "If I put you on my favourites, then I would like to talk to you. Message me." is super-lame. Is actually just talking to someone not a viable option? Are you that nervous to make the first move? Look at mail-order guy over there - he's doing a great job at just putting it out there. You can do it.
What are these head games that girls are playing? So many guys state in their profiles that they're so tired of the head games. What constitutes a head game? Do I play? More importantly, do I win? Instead of head games, I wish everyone could just give it to me straight. We're all grown-ups here, so let's just say the truth. Originally, I thought guys would appreciate this - doesn't seem to be true. Now, I just delete without explaining that their spelling/litter of kids/unibrow is really a turn-off.
It's going to be a lovely day
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wigged out
First, let me break it down for you. My costume. I was supposed to look like the real life version of Betty Rubble.

So, not having any time during the week, I was left with a 2 hour window to put all this into action. Armed with a stapler and a glue gun, I set out to create a disastrous 'dress' that pulled apart everytime I moved. And for those of you who have seen me dance, you know I like to move! But I had no choice, so I just doubled up on the staples.
I ended up attaching the necklace with hot glue while it was on my neck. Never a good idea, especially with cocktails.
So, this was all pretty bad on its own. Then, I put on the wig.
Somehow, in this picture, I am the one with the worst hair.
Needless to say, the night rapidly fell apart from there.
My friends had great costumes and although the twins were sidelined, they're all set for next year. Paul's was the best as he had a whole skit including props that was a hit. Somehow every year he finds a great costume that has him half-naked. Meh, give the people what they want.