I apologize for not blogging as often as I would like. Work has been a little hectic lately – I never thought I’d say this, but I can’t wait for November to arrive.
We’ve been doing some model homes lately for a local builder and it’s been tying up lots of time. Do you have any idea how much work it is to fill 5 empty homes to make them look like they’ve been lived in? Take stock of the room you’re in right now (if you’re at home) – how many things are there in there? 50? 60? Now multiply that by 60 rooms and limit your time to two weeks. Argh.
It’s all turned out really well though, enough to get us in the newspaper. Well, the Homes section, which no one really reads – at least I don’t. I came to the opening after a week of 18 hour days just to show my face and grab a free donut again. However, there were other plans for me. The next thing I know, I’m in the ribbon cutting, doing web interviews and posing for photos with our team and the CEOs of the building company. I was not at all prepared for this.
On 4 hours sleep and zero minutes of shower, I showed up with crazy hair that I had wrangled into a ponytail. Luckily my outfit was okay, but if you look closely, I’m wearing dark jeans. My saving grace, or so I thought, was my awesome pair of heels.
Then we’re asked to pose in the houses and because they’re models, everyone is asked to remove their shoes. Since it is October, everyone is wearing socks. Except for me, because my shoes were peep toe wedges and I felt style was more important than warmth on that cold day.
Here is one of the pictures that is in the Hamilton Spectator. I look ridiculous. Seriously, am I really sitting next to the CEO with barefeet? In the next photo I put my shoes on (and promptly got mud on the carpet) and managed to look a little more professional. I think it’s a general rule to not be found barefoot near any CEO of any kind.
At the office, I’m now referred to as Barefoot Contessa. Although I feign embarrassment, I secretly love this.
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