The baby shower, it has come and gone and turned out pretty well, but I still feel it was not the party I had hoped to throw. But I suppose it means me having a baby to do it my way and I can't see that happening.
Babies. There were babies there. This was not expected. Luckily, there were cocktails as well - there was no way I was throwing a baby shower without liquor. This particular baby was thrust into my arms a moment after the mother announced it had a dirty diaper. Seriously, it's a miracle I didn't drop it. Her, whatever. I think it's a her.
The cake. Turns out I cannot decorate cakes. Sure, I can bake them (usually), but as for making them look beautiful, forget it. I was panicking Saturday night trying to salvage this cake that was lopsided, dripping icing and covering in sprinkles I had thrown on. The sprinkles were a last-ditch attempt to masquerade the all prompted a call to the guest of honour to ensure she has a sense of humour about her cake. Luckily, Susan is as sweet as pie (or cake) and was a doll about the whole thing.
This is the finished product. Yep.
The group was divided down the middle, with all the mothers on one side and all the squeamish on the other. I learned about things I never want to repeat, especially Elo's traumatic tale that haunts my dreams.
Half the gifts that were unwrapped were completely foreign to me.
Overall, it was a successful afternoon and the mother-to-be got a lot of great things (at least I think those things are useful). Really, is there a more adorable pregnant woman than Susan?

This is the finished product. Yep.
Half the gifts that were unwrapped were completely foreign to me.
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