Hit up the Ottawa Street Sale on Saturday and if you're still going to Locke Street for antiques, I'm sorry to have to tell you, but you're a sucker. Get with it - OS is the place to be. Even a major antique house moved from Locke - now called Antiques Unlocked....I appreciate puns like this.
Managed to score this stool for $5.00. That's right - five!. I got it all the way home before I realized that the top opens up for storage. Love the distressed brown leather mixed with the Studio 54 glitz.
Talked a woman down to $20.00 for this piece, but really didn't make me as happy as getting the other one for $5.00. Plus the upholstery is embarrassing. Look, it's already falling apart. And there are no hidden storage features. It even has a wonky leg. You suck, lesser ottoman!
Now I feel sorta bad for the ottoman. I do like your pretty pattern!
Over the last few weeks I have amassed three ottomans. You might say I'm creating an empire....an Ottoman Empire, even. Well done if you could see that one coming. Also, well done to the 3am punner.
I'll take my bow.