Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I spent the day with my mom yesterday and we descended upon Oakville for browsing and lunching. First, we went to her framer to finally get my degrees framed. Since 2002 and 2007 they've been collecting dust under my bed. Although, I guess you could say the MLS will continue to collect dust even once it's up on my wall. Seeing them matted and framed made me feel like a professor or a dentist. I like the idea of having them.

We checked out Whole Foods - for foodies, especially those of the organic persuasion, this place is utopia. It's like a museum for food. The produce is out of this world. I can't even imagine a place like this in Hamilton where, apparently, deli counters and basil are frills. I bumped into First Date Dude next to the mushrooms and although this was awkward enough, mom decided to hover and ram into me to "give me an opportunity to introduce her". I let this opportunity pass.

Last night was also the final trivia of the season. We are now on hiatus until October - mainly to allow our brains to rest, but also to allow for things to happen since we've covered almost everything since the beginning of time.

Happily I can report that our team won both Monday night and Tuesday night. We finally got the wings we've been coveting for weeks, Kevin pulled an incredible answer out of the depths of his mind and there were plenty of extra rounds to satisfy us for the long summer. I'll miss trivia, but like most things, it's always better when it is something to look forward to after a break.

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