Tuesday, August 31, 2010
She's baaack.
Monday, August 23, 2010
You saw it here first.
Y semble-je gros?
Sure, I haven't tackled the issue of clothing and fitting the 4, ok, fine 3, pairs of non-sensible 'standing' shoes into the leopard print wheelie carry-on I plan on taking. I know, can I be more snooty with this bag? But it was a free swag bag and they're pretty indestructible. And, so far, only one person has said I look like a stewardess. Not flight attendant, stewardess.
Here is a picture of a room at the hotel I am staying at:

Yaaaayyyy!!! I'm finally doing this!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hammer Time
Friday - James Street North Art Crawl
Now, I don't know anything about art, only what I like. But, even if you're not arty you can enjoy this evening. It's a very cool vibe and everyone is out on the streets or meandering the galleries. Live music, some of which seems to be played from buckets and broomsticks, cool shops that I didn't know existed, lots of people wearing stripes and glasses and lots of little Italian men watching the invasion of their rapidly changing neighbourhood.
I was probably not supposed to walk around with my Ipod - instead to soak up the atmosphere and hip art talk. But life is too short to no listen to the Greatest Hits of Ace of Base.
There was this booth where they were polling people using bingo dabbers. Now THIS is art. Hamilton art, at least. If they had polled in Timbits, I'd be all set.
Sunday afternoon - Hamilton Roller Derby at Waterfront
Again, I didn't know anything about this, but thought it would be something different to check out. As I sat out in the blazing heat, I tried to figure out how this works. It seems like they are skating around in circles, over and over, until they fall or the ref stops them for something.
Most wore fishnets and underwear over them and were all way tougher than me. I'm pretty sure if I was thrust into this game I would cry, at one point or another.
-Bitchslap Barbie
-Japanic Attack - Naomi that could be your name!
-Ivy Rupted
-Little Red Roller Hood
-Eduskating Rita
I have my own set of roller skates from a garage sale last year. Shockingly, I have never worn them. This has inspired me to get them out of my basement and go for a roll around the block. Probably.
Ran into old friend-style person from library school. As always, they ask if I'm working in libraries, using my Master to its full potential. It's so strange that I even did that - what was I thinking? Sure, I like books, organization and homeless men watching porn on public computers, but come on. That isn't really me. In my career, I look for couch moving, Lindsay Lohan sightings, 2am teardowns, chandeliers and many, many appetizers involving smoked salmon, sliders and cheese. Not so much of that in the library realm. Not the last time I checked anyway - and that was 5:45pm last night when I picked up the Rent soundtrack I had requested. Other than that Seasons of Love song....meh.
Overall, Hamilton has some other things to offer than the nonsense I decry on this site. You may have to go through the sludge, but there are gems around.
Blah Blah Blah
Also, yesterday I went through the day, including a couple meetings and didn't realize that one of my earrings had fallen out at some point. No one mentioned this to me. Instead, they probably thought I was a pirate and didn't know if they should bring it up. Arrr.
In seven days, I will be in Paris. I have done nothing to plan for this trip other than booking it a month ago. This is very unlike me. I have no Euros, no volt adapter, no knowledge if I even need a volt adapter, no reservations, no lists about where to go and what to eat, no packing done, nothing. I should be panicking. Or packing.
The last few nights I've gotten 10 hours sleep each night. I know, I'm a bit o' a loser. But, now that I only had 8 hours last night, I'm exhausted. It doesn't help that I was at work for 7am today.
Lately I've rediscovered the cruise control feature on my car. I always forget it's there. Driving back and forth from Toronto, I've been using the feature as STOP and GO buttons. Just as an experiment to see if it would work. It does if the traffic is right. It's fun - like being in the future or a jet engine. Or what I imagine a jet engine is like.
Is there a better way to spend a grey and dreary afternoon than this?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Set Adrift on Memory Bliss

Julia's wisdom
I have 'read' the book (on tape) and probably disliked it more since her voice was really annoying. I found it to be a lot of hooley-wawa - this is a term I made up yesterday when trying to describe the movie which I found to be closely accurate to the book. Hooley-wawa is difficult to explain - just a lot of head in the clouds, zen guide to superiority, lalala, hooey, yoga will change your life, practice The Secret, lily-livered wondrousness. It's too fluffy for me. I can't buy it. Or stomach it.
Plus that vein in Julia Roberts' forehead is always so distracting.
However, I will take away one gem from those 2 hours: there is this part where Julia says she misses someone and the other person says, "So miss me. Send me light and love every time you think of me. And then drop it."
There is something very satisfying about that way of handling unpleasant feelings. Acknowledge it, but don't let it control your life or your thoughts. You have to move on. It's simple enough and we'll see how easy it is to actually follow.
I've been dwelling on someone for several weeks now and I know it's not healthy, doesn't make me happy and the worst part is that there is nothing I can do to fix the situation since the other party is unwilling to communicate and a bit of a crazy person. I've been frustrated that I can't let it go. But, now I will try this method and see what happens. I have to let it go.
So, I will try to send light and love their way. Although, it's more like send fight and loathe their way, depending on my mood, because it's a very angering situation. But, no, no, rise above, Winnie. Be the bigger, less crazy person. Let's see, shall we?
Family Ties

I can't believe he gets to meet Michaelle Jean - one of the most elegant women in the country. Now, that he's the family star, me and the other brother have to step it up!
"Your vein's a mover"
"Fat man on Kenilworth" - ok, well, that one's pretty self-explanatory.
"Being told how to dance" - hmmm, something to do with Mambo No.5 I think.
"Hug from inside out" - that just sounds gross.
I will later today go through these and post some more. But right now, I'm still feeling a little woozy and light-headed from giving blood this morning. Actually, that's misleading. I did not donate my blood for the greater good of humanity even though "it is in me to give". Instead, I was ordered to do so by my doctor and put it off for 4 weeks. I hate needles so much, but always end up feeling like a baby and sheepishly apologizing to the nurse for (maybe) overreacting.
But, overreaction or not, there are no worse words to start a Monday morning with than, "This is tough - your vein's a mover". Especially on an empty stomach.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Shameless Hamilton promotion
However, Hamilton needs a serious image makeover. And I know that the people responsible for these two ad campaigns agree, but have gone about it in the worst possible ways. I don't think the intended result is laughter and head shaking. Seriously, these are just embarrassing.
1. Oh, did you hear? Hamilton is now the City of Waterfalls! This came out a while ago, but it's still so bad. Who is this woman singing? I think it's safe to say she is a terrible singer. Ugh - it makes me cringe.
2. These water ads have been springing up everywhere in the city. Yes, I drink tap water, but I wasn't aware we needed an ad campaign for it. Are people really not drinking tap water? I read that the people in these ads volunteered for them as they must be very passionate about drinking tap water. Well, aren't we all though?
If you're going to stare through a glass of water you're promoting, shouldn't the water/glass be super crystal clear? Little cloudy, no?
This doesn't even make sense. And, I'm sorry, but is that beer stein he's drinking from? Oh brother. We get it - you're badass.


It has become sorely clear that I am a person destined to have a job or livelihood that will always include moving couches at some point or another. What is that about? Even if my job is fun, at times glamourous, satisfying and rewarding, it got to be all that because I moved a couch. Weird.
I saw a woman wearing a skirt made out of a Tiger Cat flag. She wasn't even at or near a football game of any kind. In fact, she was in the business section of town on a Tuesday morning. That's Hamilton for you folks, loyal to their team, but ignorant of style and decency.
There is this song on the radio that has a part near the end where the girl says/sings "Cherry Cherry Boom Boom". I quite like the song, but I love this part. It's so random.
It reminds me of this time in 9th grade during silent reading time (remember that?). I was reading Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence and singing Whitney Houston songs in my head. Obviously. I was always a multi-tasker. My friend Kim was sitting in the desk next to me and I guess, without knowing it, I blurted out, "Chaka Khan" which is the end part of some Whitney song. Again, very random. Kim looked over at me, "Did you just say Chaka Khan!?!" There isn't really an explanation for that one. I don't even think I knew who Chaka Khan was. Does anyone really though?
I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a cardigan on it. Now, that's funny. Someone I know should get that one.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Attack of a Dress
This clip is ridiculous. I didn't know I sound so shrill. Blaming it on mojitos. The gasping you hear is me trying to inhale my ribcage to get the zipper down. I was starting to panic a bit and getting claustrophobic in the pink confection dress. It really is so, so pretty. It's worth whatever a seamstress charges me to wear it at least once.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Queen of the Animal Kingdom

California Dreamin'
Leftover Desk 'Treasures'
Monday, August 2, 2010
Seriously, guy?
Texting is the dating way these days. It can't be avoided. And according to some of the guys in my life, boring texts can't be avoided either. Seriously, people, if you are 'courting' me via text there are exactly two reasons to text me.
1) to be flirty
2) to be funny
If your text does neither of these things, don't even bother. Especially if I have just met you and we are in the precarious early stages where I don't really care that you bought new shoes today or that your new apartment has a gym. Why are you boring me with the details of your day? Or asking me how my day is? That's all fine and good if it's accompanied by something that makes me smile.
Also, although it should go without saying, if you're spelling things incorrectly, might as well press 'END'. If your text makes me roll my eyes or sigh when I read it, that is never a good sign. And I am finally now recognizing these signs and acting accordingly and swiftly. No time for things that don't make me smile. Instead, I'd be better off going back and reading old saved text messages from other people that still make me smile months or years later.
- nefarious
- vestiges
- surreptitiously
Sadly, it was this same day that I caught my first episode of Jersey Shore - thereby deleting any intelligent points I garnered earlier. I've been seeing these creatures in the popular culture that swirls around my head for several months and morbid curiousity caused me to pause on their program. It was, as expected, the worst. Everything I dislike about other people, put into one shameful, irritating, loud display of bottom feeders. Why are we allowing these people to be famous? Why are we indulging them? Why do we care? Why did I waste 30 minutes when I could easily have been watching something more wholesome and valuable to my life. You know, like Project Runway.
Crime Alert: senior citizens see no problem in eating food without paying for it at the supermarket. In the past few weeks, I have witnessed (and stood idly by) while little old ladies and suspender-ed old men pluck grapes from the aisles, reach into bulk almond containers, bite into peaches and eat olives from the olive bar as if from their own kitchen table. Why can't I do this? I would surely be taken down and asked never to return. No one bats an eye at them! They know it's wrong, they probably just think they've lived long enough to have earned it. I sure do hope I live long enough to cash in on this theory. Although, I probably won't limit it to the produce section. I'll try it with gas and milk too. Whaddathey gonna do?
Another awkward supermarket situation yesterday. It's really obvious when parents are using their kids as conversational pawns to strike something up with other people. It's also uncomfortable. There was this guy with three kids hanging all over him - no other adults. Naturally, I steered my cart away as far as I could as I passed by. Then I hear him 'talking' to these kids who don't even know their own name or where they are and pretending to have real conversations with them. I know the guy thought he was being funny and that I would react or comment. I didn't. I didn't laugh and then I felt sorry for him. But before it got too serious, I turned into the ice cream aisle and forgot all about it.
Went to the movies yesterday to see Salt - surprisingly excellent with more twists than those awful Taco Bell 'desserts'. However, as my movie partner (movies are the only partnership we can commit to at this point in time :) ) and I sat chatting before it started, we were suddenly thrust into the most bizarre situation. The previews hadn't started yet - I have a strict no talking preview rule - it was just those lame general interest interviews and chitchattery (I just made this word up) that no one really watches. Or so I thought.
Directly in front of us, a woman spun around and said, "I can't help but hear your conversation." I thought she was going to join in our discussion about Lindsay Lohan and whether or not her career (what career?) is over. However, she wasn't having any of it. What follows is exactly what transpired - no exaggeration.
Crazy: You're talking and it's really annoying!
Me: Oh. Well, the movie hasn't started yet, so...
Crazy: I don't give a shit. Stop talking!
Movie Partner: Sorry, but you should just move then.
Me: We're just chatting, at a normal volume.
Crazy: I don't give a f**k - shut the f**k up.
Me: Wha----?
Crazy: F**K YOU!
Me: Are you crazy?
Movie Partner: You should just move, we're not going to stop talking until the movie starts.
Crazy: F**k you. Stupid Canadian men. Stupid Canadian men.
Then she turned around and left us with mouths agape trying to see if anyone else heard this. She was a little, refined looking lady. I guess. Then of course, although we had exhausted our Lindsay Lohan topics, we continued to talk. Yes, out of spite. But, seriously. Come on lady. This is why you should wait until you can rent it on DVD in the privacy of your little cave hovel. By yourself.
The rest of the movie we kept coming up with immature things to do to her - none of which we did of course, but when someone is so utterly insane, it's hard not to stoop to their level. Or at least think about it.
Major WTF moment.